Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Up dog ...

The other night while I was busily working away on the computer (i.e. blog reading), Big B came into the study ...

B: "It smells like up dog in here"

Me: "What?"

B: "It smells like up dog in here"

Me: "I can't smell anything"

B: "It really smells like up dog in here Mum"

Me: "I don't understand what you're saying. Talk English. What's up dog?"

B: (in her best Gangster voice) "NO! Wassup wiv YOU dawg!"


clare b said...

Found you! Now regular blogging love. If I've got to do it - then so do you....!

Kari said...

That's from The Office--do you get that all the way down there? Hilarious. It's like you channeled Steve Carell, funny lady.