So ... 3 and a bit months since my self-proclaimed year of peace, and unfortunately no peace to be had as yet. Most days I'm a little like this flower .... dying around the edges, and trying hard to keep my bright center alive.
Some wonderful days I'm more like this sunflower ... bright and cheery. I hold my head high and can tackle anything that comes my way.
Some days I put on a mask and hide from the world.
And every day ... I hope I soon find the key that unlocks the door to my ideal (and peaceful!) world.
2009 so far (in dot points!)
- 1 new nephew
- 1 16 year old daughter who now has a boyfriend
- 1 (now cured) flickr obsession
- 1 photography workshop
- 1 shortish haircut
- 1 burnt fringe with hair straighteners!
- 1 hens day
- 1 wedding
- 1 x 1 year old birthday party
- 1 x 3 year old birthday party
- 1 25th wedding anniversay
- 1 x 65th birthday
- 1 ultrasound
- 1 lovely brother came to live with me
- 2 nights at the outdoor movies
- 2 friends with babies on the way
- 2 x 16 year old fancy dress birthday parties
- 2 dinners out
- 2kg weight loss
- 2 indoor movies
- 3 concerts
- 6 parent/teacher interviews
- some wine
- moderate amount of anger
- a fair amount of tears
- quite a bit of chocolate :-)
- and lots and lots of reasons to be grateful.
Yes i missed. Thank you for updating us on your world. I loved your list - and would love to see this shorter hair cut! Maybe I should be venturing over to Flickr. I HAVE GOT to call you so we can have a genuine catch up. Tis been too long. X
when you find the key that unlocks that inner peace, send it my way.
i am sad i haven't been able to meet you yet. from what i have exerienced, you are remarkable. please remember that. your words touch me.
life is a lot to sort out. just take it day by day. some day i hope our paths will cross.
oh, dear jo, how I wish that I could give you a great big hug and hold you for a bit. I'm sending a lump of peaceful and happy vibes your way--do tell me if you get them.
Love you, darling friend.
Your flower photos are super duper cool. For reals Jo bear. I ADORE you. I hate to hear you have been feeling under the weather. Sending all my good vibes to Australia, just for you!
Kisses and Hugs,
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