Sunday, December 28, 2008

Handmade Christmas ...

I got some lovely gifts for Christmas, but the one's that really warmed the cockles of my heart were handmade with love ...

Middle C handcut 2 designs in lino and printed and framed these lovelies for me.

My friend Nicky embroidered this fab wall hanging.

Big B designed and screen printed this yummy bag.

Em was my Secret Santa for the Thailand trip girls. I got this gorgeous apron that she made, and her friend made the silver ring which says "peace."

Middle C made this delish lemon cheesecake for her Stepdad (his favourite.)

and Big B screen printed this funky t-shirt for him (using a variation of the design for my bag.)

Of course, Little E made a lovely card and had a photo taken with Santa for me, and one of my Doctor's at work made something similar to New Norcia nutcake with his kids.
I am very keen to spread (and receive!) even more handmade wonderfulness next year!


Michelle Springer said...

Ya did good this year!

amytangerine said...

love all the handmade goodness you have going on!

Anonymous said...

wow - what a talented lot you have in that house - open the door and let some of that homemade joy eke out to the rest of us lovely jo!