Friday, December 19, 2008

Fun Foto Friday (Fave Festiveness)

Yes, I've had the Festive Funk this year ... but here is the antidote.
  1. Melt Cinnamon roll scented waffle bar in the oil burner (bought from a very cute Christmas shop near Clares' place.)
  2. Play Christmas carols all day and night, especially obscure Soul or Punk versions to annoy the teenagers.
  3. Take photographs of Christmas-sy things that make you smile, and share them with the world (i.e. you - yes, you!)
  4. Eat yummy gingerbread Christmas decorations.
  5. Open lovely handmade Secret Santa gift from Em before Christmas, and wear your lovely apron all day ... whilst doing all of the above.
  6. Rejoice in suddenly being transformed into Mrs Christmas herself! :-) Kind of ...

Fabric Christmas Ornament (all you need is love)

These would be mine! (Thank You Dr & Mrs P)

Isn't he cute?

A bowl of baubles (try saying that fast 6 times after a glass of eggnog!)

Lovely knitted Christmas stocking found at IKEA yesterday (on sale too!)

A cuddly friend (who actually came free with a pair of boxer shorts many years ago, but I couldn't part with him. Shhhh, don't tell!)

The Tree by Me - not my finest hour, but much loved by my own Christmas angel, Little E.

In the entry: I have had a thing for painted metal decorations the last few years.

Father Christmas doll from my Mum, don't you just love his beard??

And of course, Little E, who is very happy that Christmas is finally here, cos it means Birthday number 3 is too! (Cat face painting is optional for Father Christmas visits in Australia.)


Michelle Springer said...

I love that first Santa Claus! How cool that you can dress up as a kitty with a photo from Santa Claus. I have never seen that before! And chocolate always make the holidays brighter!

clare b said...

I too love that Christmas shop.. it can be so addictive. Made it very difficult when I worked directly over the road from it. And that first Father Christmas - he is a star! Just perfect.